Sunday 28 August 2011

Zit On Lip - How To Clear A Zit That Is Located Around The Lip!

Getting a zit appear on or around the lip area can be a very painful area and can also be one of the places that makes you feel very self conscious, at least for me anyway. When I went through a patch were I had several zits around the lip area I locked myself in the house and really did not want to face the outside world. If you are finding yourself in a similar situation I am giving you advice that is extremely important, do not let acne take over your life. Not only can stress and depression make your zits worse but they can also destroy your social life making thing more difficult. The point is that you should stay positive and remember that most people wont judge you on your acne and the ones who do are most likely virgins who cant get girlfriends or girls who are jealous and nasty.

Anyway now I have that part out of the way I am going to show you how I got rid of zits on my lips by using home remedies. The reason I used home remedies is because the chemicals that a lot of over the counter treatments have that could be dangerous if consumed. The results I achieved were more than i though but they did take over 30 days to completely get rid of the zits.

My Get Rid Of Zit On Lip Home Remedies

1. Apply toothpaste as a spot treatment to the zits and leave on overnight. The next day the zit should have dried out leaving only a mark.

2. Boil water and apply a towel over your lips, leave the steam from the water open up your pores and bring the infection to the surface, once the infection has come to the surface apply manuka honey over the zits as it is ant-bacterial, anti-viral and anti septic and this should remove the zit and also speed up the healing process.

3. Apply diluted lemon juice onto the zits. The acid should help by cleansing the zit. This may cause an adverse affect with some people, if the zits look worse after 3 uses stop using this method as it is most likely your skin is to sensitive for this remedy.

Do Not.......

Pick your zits or use a harsh exfoliating products as this will just inflame the acne and cause it to spread to other areas of the face. This is extremely important you avoid doing otherwise any efforts you make to clear your zits will not work because you will just keep spreading the bacteria to other areas of your face.

Hope this has been helpful and any questions please leave a comment below.

1 comment:

  1. You can learn to clear zit. The post has shared details. Useful post
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