Saturday 2 July 2011

Diet To Clear Acne?

When trying to clear acne most people are using topical acne treatments to try and clear it, but for long term results that will prevent acne from returning you will need to tackle the root causes of acne. Eating a diet to clear acne is a great way to help clear acne once and for all.

There is a massive debate in the acne community and has been for a long time on whether diet has any effect on acne at all, and I can tell you right now that diet does have an effect on acne, in-fact I would say it is a massive contributor in acne. And the reason I say this will be backed up in this post.

What Are The Main Causes Of Acne?

  • Toxins
  • Unbalanced Hormones
  • Oily Skin
These are the 3 main causes of acne, there are many more but these are generally the reasons that most people get acne. And now to the next question.

What Causes A Build Up Of Toxins That Can Eventually Lead To Acne Breakouts?

  • Environmental Poisons
  • Chemicals in sprays etc
  • Food
 When the liver has to much toxins to deal with it will send them to other organs, including the biggest organ of all the skin which will then help to remove them through the pores.

What Causes Hormonal Imbalances?
  • The Pill
  • Environmental poisons
  • Non organic animal products
  • Stress
  • Cosmetics
Non organic animal products, especially if pumped with estrogen will cause the hormones to become unbalanced. And everyone knows that when the hormones become unbalanced it leads to acne breakouts.

What Causes Oily Skin?

  • Bad Fats, Trans Fat And Greasy Foods
  • Hormone levels
  • Pregnancy
  • Birth control pills
  • Cosmetics you use
  • Humidity and hot weather
When consuming foods that contain a high amount of oil, grease and bad fats this will eventually show in the appearance of your skin. To avoid this try and minimize how much foods you eat that are in those categorise.

Now after listing the main causes of acne and also what causes them you can see that every single one can be caused by our diet. Know if you still believe that diet has no effect on acne then that is fine, but I would strongly recommend that you do your own research as I have and find out for yourself. Since I started my diet to clear acne I have seen a massive improvement not only in the appearance of my acne but also my over-all health and skin.

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